I've got valuable information and resources to share. Explore away! And check back often.

Review your subscriptions and save! Have you checked your subscriptions lately? Streaming services, apps, memberships, and auto-renewals can add up fast! - Take a few minutes to review your bank statements - Cancel what you no longer use or need - Consider bundling services for better deals A quick review could put extra cash back in your pocket each month! Small savings add up to big financial wins. Need help coming up with a financial plan? Let's chat! See for important disclosures

Review your subscriptions and save! Have you checked your subscriptions lately? Streaming services, apps, memberships, and auto-renewals can add up fast! - Take a few minutes to review your bank statements - Cancel what you no longer use or need - Consider bundling services for better deals A quick review could put extra cash back in your pocket each month! Small savings add up to big financial wins. Need help coming up with a financial plan? Let's chat! See for important disclosures

Did you know you have until April 15 to maximize your IRA contributions for the 2024 tax year? 📅 Work towards the retirement lifestyle you want to have by saving more now. See for important disclosures.

Did you know you have until April 15 to maximize your IRA contributions for the 2024 tax year? 📅 Work towards the retirement lifestyle you want to have by saving more now. See for important disclosures.

The countdown has begun! 26 days left! Direct your choice dollars today by: - Logging into your Thrivent account at - Call 1-800-847-4836 and when prompted say "Thrivent Choice" - Call Autumn at our office at 605-234-0382 See for important disclosures.

The countdown has begun! 26 days left! Direct your choice dollars today by: - Logging into your Thrivent account at - Call 1-800-847-4836 and when prompted say "Thrivent Choice" - Call Autumn at our office at 605-234-0382 See for important disclosures.

Start investing early and often. Your future self will thank you! The sooner you start, the more time your money has to grow. Consistent investing helps build wealth and secure your future. Whether you're just getting started or looking to refine your strategy it's never too early-or too late- to take action. Let's create a plan that works for you! Reach out today to schedule an appointment. See for important disclosures.

Start investing early and often. Your future self will thank you! The sooner you start, the more time your money has to grow. Consistent investing helps build wealth and secure your future. Whether you're just getting started or looking to refine your strategy it's never too early-or too late- to take action. Let's create a plan that works for you! Reach out today to schedule an appointment. See for important disclosures.

It's that time of year again to get your Thrivent Choice Dollars directed. The deadline is March 31st. Direct them using the website, calling 1-800-847-4836, or call Autumn at the office 605-234-0382. Don't know where to direct them? Use this link to browse the catalog of more than 45,000 organizations participating in Thrivent Choice®️.

It's that time of year again to get your Thrivent Choice Dollars directed. The deadline is March 31st. Direct them using the website, calling 1-800-847-4836, or call Autumn at the office 605-234-0382. Don't know where to direct them? Use this link to browse the catalog of more than 45,000 organizations participating in Thrivent Choice®️.

Make sure you're setting aside money for your future! Even if it's a small percentage of your income, consistency is key. Automate your savings, invest wisely, and watch your money grow over time. Need help creating a strategy that works for you? I can help. Schedule an appointment today! See for important disclosures.

Make sure you're setting aside money for your future! Even if it's a small percentage of your income, consistency is key. Automate your savings, invest wisely, and watch your money grow over time. Need help creating a strategy that works for you? I can help. Schedule an appointment today! See for important disclosures.

Deadline to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars is coming up! Did you know there are more than 45,000 organizations participating in Thrivent Choice? Here are some local organizations! Use this link to browse the catalog of organizations who participate in Thrivent Choice. Don't see an organization and think they should be enrolled? Check out this link to see how to get them enrolled! See for important disclosures

Deadline to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars is coming up! Did you know there are more than 45,000 organizations participating in Thrivent Choice? Here are some local organizations! Use this link to browse the catalog of organizations who participate in Thrivent Choice. Don't see an organization and think they should be enrolled? Check out this link to see how to get them enrolled! See for important disclosures

Feeling overwhelmed by multiple debts? The Debt Snowball Method can help you gain momentum and stay motivated! Before you know it, you're making serious progress. See for important disclosures.

Feeling overwhelmed by multiple debts? The Debt Snowball Method can help you gain momentum and stay motivated! Before you know it, you're making serious progress. See for important disclosures.