About Shawn Longhenry

I'm proud to be a Thrivent financial professional. I provide personalized financial guidance to people at all stages of life. At Thrivent, we view money not as a goal, but as a tool — one that can afford you a life rich in meaning and gratitude. We believe humanity thrives when individuals make the most of all they've been given. I'm here to help you do just that and it's exactly why I made the move to Thrivent! I can think of two times over my lifetime where people of faith have stepped in to help me or my family. One helped me make a difference for another family and one helped my family. My new purpose is to improve the communities I serve by helping more people become financially secure and feel free to help others.

Here is my family and reason I do what I do.

Weekend Fun!

When I have the chance I love spending time with family camping, fishing and hunting. My son Wyatt used my waders to go get a duck he got with our dog Taylor following along. Taylor wasn't retrieving at the time, but is now. Memories we will always remember!

Wheaton Office

Northern Lights Financial Group

Northern Lights Financial Group


Team Practice
