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A summer favorite, S'MORES!!!! Happy National S'mores Day! Can you eat just one? #campfire #marshmallows #summertreats

A summer favorite, S'MORES!!!! Happy National S'mores Day! Can you eat just one? #campfire #marshmallows #summertreats

Beat the heat with some frozen custard today! Happy National Frozen Custard Day! #whatsyourfavoriteflavor #sweettreat #coneornocone

Beat the heat with some frozen custard today! Happy National Frozen Custard Day! #whatsyourfavoriteflavor #sweettreat #coneornocone

Get out there and have some fun. Adults, please exercise caution on this equipment, you are NOT as small as you used to be! #playground #slides #kidsbeingkids

Get out there and have some fun. Adults, please exercise caution on this equipment, you are NOT as small as you used to be! #playground #slides #kidsbeingkids

Start off August with some great fruit and see how far you can spit those seeds! #howfarcanyouspit #summerfun

Start off August with some great fruit and see how far you can spit those seeds! #howfarcanyouspit #summerfun

Who's a good boy?! You are!! Happy National Mutt Day!! #man'sbestfriend #fluffyfriend #petapet

Who's a good boy?! You are!! Happy National Mutt Day!! #man'sbestfriend #fluffyfriend #petapet

Taking a break from our food themed posts, lets make things awkward today! Happy National Talk in an Elevator Day! #awkward #noescape #newfriends

Taking a break from our food themed posts, lets make things awkward today! Happy National Talk in an Elevator Day! #awkward #noescape #newfriends

To continue on our summer foods theme, lets add chili dogs to the list! Happy National Chili Dog Day!! #cheeseornocheese #onionsallday #eatwithafork

To continue on our summer foods theme, lets add chili dogs to the list! Happy National Chili Dog Day!! #cheeseornocheese #onionsallday #eatwithafork

Couldn't come at a better time, let's beat that heat today! Happy National Hot Fudge Sundae Day! #vanilla #peanuts #cooltreats

Couldn't come at a better time, let's beat that heat today! Happy National Hot Fudge Sundae Day! #vanilla #peanuts #cooltreats

A few firsts this weekend with the family here. All dishes were brand new to me and all were cooked on my smoker! #goodeats #bbqheaven #brisket #dblsmokedpotatoes #smokehousebeans #smokedmacandcheese

A few firsts this weekend with the family here. All dishes were brand new to me and all were cooked on my smoker! #goodeats #bbqheaven #brisket #dblsmokedpotatoes #smokehousebeans #smokedmacandcheese