Who We Serve
We specialize in guiding people who see retirement on the horizon. Typically, 5 to 10 years prior allows us time to put the framework in place. We tailor our service and expertise to the unique needs of your retirement blueprint.
If this is you, it's time to schedule a meeting to learn our process and meet our crew.
Our Process From Chaos to Clarity
Getting to know you as you get to know us
We want to understand your financial mindset and values as you begin to understand our financial philosophy. In essence, this is our interview process. The key to any successful business relationship is to have clear expectations from the beginning. We believe in building a substantial relationship with you by getting a sense of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Often our clients ask us these questions:
· Can I afford to retire?
· Do I have enough money to last for my lifetime?
· Will my spouse have enough money to live on if I pass away first?
· Am I overpaying on my taxes?
· Can my investment portfolio be improved?
· How does my estate plan affect my family?
If these are some of the questions that you would like answers to, read on.......
What's in Your FinancialToolbox?
Everyone has multiple financial tools at their disposal but do not know how to maximize their potential. We begin by gathering information which includes financial statements, past and current retirement plans, life insurance policies and social security statements. We will utilize anything that may impact your retirement floorplan.
Luke 14:28 "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? "
Our Financial Planning Process
Gathering Information
There is no such thing as too much information! To move you from chaos to clarity, we will give you a checklist of needed financial statements for us to start creating your blueprint.
Drawing your Financial Blueprint
We carefully analyze your current situation using our tools and expertise, geared towards your personality, comfort level, resources, and values. We will coordinate with your accountant, attorney and family members if desired, to help build your strong financial house.
Here is where we answer your questions:
- Can I retire to the lifestyle I want?
- How do Social Security and Medicare benefit me?
- What are my long-term care plan options?
- How do my decisions affect my beneficiaries?
Present your Financial Blueprint
You are a unique child of God. Your personalized blueprint is comprehensive and unique to you based on your values and goals. Our crafted plan for you is not written in stone, but subject to your review and approval. We will answer any additional questions you may have at this meeting, such as:
- Am I being biblically wise with the gifts that God has given me?
- Do these recommendations make sense to me?
- How do I accomplish this?
Constructing your Financial House
This is the fun part! We will guide and coach you through the implementation of your designed plan. We will help you take the steps needed to build a strong financial house.
Our relationship with you does not end once a plan is implemented. Life changes. Taxes change. Laws change. Remodeling needs to occur. This step is the most important in the process. Knowing where you stand through life's changes cannot be over-emphasized.
Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.
What We Offer

Mutual Funds
Our fund options offer flexibility and choice to help you manage risk, build a diversified portfolio and pursue lifelong goals.

Financial Guidance
We work with you to create a personalized strategy and support you with ongoing guidance to help you reach your goals, no matter where you're starting from.

Charitable Giving Solutions
Thankful for all you've been given? We can help you give back.

Traditional and Roth IRAs
You can use these tax-advantaged accounts to help you save for retirement — and perhaps fund other needs, such as a home purchase or a child's education.

Our options help you balance performance and purpose.

Health Insurance
We can help you assess your options, including those available through your employer and government programs.