
My wife, Angie, and I met in college at Mount Marty University in Yankton, SD. We have two kids, Maddie and Layne. Maddie is studying elementary education at Colorado Christian University after taking a gap year to teach with AmeriCorp. Layne is pursuing a business degree at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. We also have two dogs, Sadie and Sage.


I played college baseball and still enjoy being in a summer “old guy” league. It’s true baseball and we use wood bats. Even though I’m two shoulder surgeries in, I want to play until I “can’t”. And a fun fact, I've had the opportunity to coach the local baseball team at Loveland High School this year - Go Redwolves! I also enjoy golfing, fishing and hunting once in a while.



I currently hold my CFP® designation, and my goals include working on my Behavioral Financial Advisor designation and eventually my Retirement Income Certified Professional designation.


My family and I attend Zion Lutheran Church here in Loveland and have enjoyed the community here for several years. We also had the opportunity to take a trip to the Holy Land last summer - it was an incredible experience!

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

-2 Corinthians 9:11

Trail Ridge Associates

Trail Ridge Associates

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Team Practice


2956 Ginnala Drive, Ste 101 Loveland, CO 80538

(970) 744-4629