About Tyson Schrecengost
Tyson Schrecengost greatly enjoys working at Thrivent and serving individuals and families as they plan for their future and steward the gifts God has entrusted to them. Whether in military, ministry, family business, or financial industry, Tyson has spent much of his professional life working with others, developing budgets and overseeing finances in very purposeful ways. Thrivent has provided him the opportunity of working with individuals and families as they seek to “Thrive with Purpose” and plan to accomplish their goals in life. As a Financial Advisor, Tyson provides personalized financial advice and guidance to people and families in all stages of life. Additionally, as a Market Developer, he works with new Financial Advisors as they seek to serve clients with excellence.
Tyson is a Colorado native, raised in Westminster. He loves Colorado and enjoys an active role in community throughout the Front Range. After graduating from Standley Lake HS, Tyson received an appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy and graduated from USAFA with a degree in Behavioral Science/Human Factors Engineering. He was commissioned as an Officer in the Air Force and three days later married his wife, Amy.
During his time on active duty, Tyson served as an Airfield Operations Officer where he obtained appropriate certifications and oversaw multiple Air Traffic Control, Airfield Management and Airspace Management facilities. Additionally, he deployed to Balad Air Base, Iraq in 2005 to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Tyson still serves as a Major in the Air Force Reserves working with High School students as an Air Force Academy Liaison Officer.
Following his active duty Air Force career, Tyson and Amy moved home to Colorado to work and serve in many ways. Tyson worked many years in his family’s landscaping business as the Director of Operations. He later obtained his Masters Degree in Ministry and has served in vocational ministry roles as an Executive Pastor, Student Ministries Pastor and National Director of a collegiate campus ministry. Tyson continues to serve actively in his local church and serves the community in many ways, to include coaching youth sports and is the Head Coach of the Standley Lake HS Boys Basketball Program.
Tyson most enjoys spending time with Amy and their 3 children. Tyson’s life verse is 1 Corinthians 9:19 where Paul describes, “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more.” Tyson loves the opportunity to serve God and others in all aspects of life.