I've got valuable information and resources to share. Explore away! And check back often.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s Tip: Plan ahead for Taxes Don’t let next year’s (or this year, if you haven’t filed yet!) taxes be a surprise! Plan ahead by using tax-advantaged accounts and deductions to reduce what you owe. Consider maximizing tax advantaged accounts such as Traditional/Roth IRAs and 401Ks, use an HSA (if you qualify) for triple tax benefits, and take advantage of tax credits and deductions such as mortgage loan interest, Child Tax Credit or small business credits. Work with a tax professional if needed. See for important disclosures

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s Tip: Plan ahead for Taxes Don’t let next year’s (or this year, if you haven’t filed yet!) taxes be a surprise! Plan ahead by using tax-advantaged accounts and deductions to reduce what you owe. Consider maximizing tax advantaged accounts such as Traditional/Roth IRAs and 401Ks, use an HSA (if you qualify) for triple tax benefits, and take advantage of tax credits and deductions such as mortgage loan interest, Child Tax Credit or small business credits. Work with a tax professional if needed. See for important disclosures

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s Tip: Keep an Eye on Your Credit Score Although some may debate this, a good credit score is becoming more and more important. For one, it helps you qualify for better loan rates, which can add up to significant savings in today’s economy. Pay bills on time (35% of a credit score is this one thing!!) and keep debt low, optimally paying off any cards each month, to maintain a strong score. See for important disclosures

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s Tip: Keep an Eye on Your Credit Score Although some may debate this, a good credit score is becoming more and more important. For one, it helps you qualify for better loan rates, which can add up to significant savings in today’s economy. Pay bills on time (35% of a credit score is this one thing!!) and keep debt low, optimally paying off any cards each month, to maintain a strong score. See for important disclosures

As tax season approaches, here’s your reminder to get started ahead of time. Here are four reasons to file early: ✅ Faster tax refunds ✅ Extra time to make a payment if you owe ✅ Reduce risk of someone else pocketing your refund ✅ Avoid tax deadline stress or having to file an extension See for important disclosures.

As tax season approaches, here’s your reminder to get started ahead of time. Here are four reasons to file early: ✅ Faster tax refunds ✅ Extra time to make a payment if you owe ✅ Reduce risk of someone else pocketing your refund ✅ Avoid tax deadline stress or having to file an extension See for important disclosures.

Financial Fitness Friday! Today’s Tip: Diversify!! I’m sure you’ve heard the term: “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This is especially true with money or your personal wealth! This brings up today’s tip: diversification. Some of you might be saying, what the heck does that mean? Diversification is just a fancy word for: don’t put all your money in one place (hence the eggs in basket quote). A mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and fixed-income options can help balance risk and returns and can also be shifted over time. You can also diversify with real estate, commodities (gold, silver, farmland, etc), annuities/insurance products, cash/cash equivalents and 401k/Roth IRA/HSAs! For more information or for an in-depth look at your options, message me or schedule an appointment online! See for important disclosures. While diversification can help reduce market risk, it does not eliminate it. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. INVESTING INVOLVES RISK, INCLUDING THE POSSIBE LOSS OF PRINCIPAL.

Financial Fitness Friday! Today’s Tip: Diversify!! I’m sure you’ve heard the term: “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This is especially true with money or your personal wealth! This brings up today’s tip: diversification. Some of you might be saying, what the heck does that mean? Diversification is just a fancy word for: don’t put all your money in one place (hence the eggs in basket quote). A mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and fixed-income options can help balance risk and returns and can also be shifted over time. You can also diversify with real estate, commodities (gold, silver, farmland, etc), annuities/insurance products, cash/cash equivalents and 401k/Roth IRA/HSAs! For more information or for an in-depth look at your options, message me or schedule an appointment online! See for important disclosures. While diversification can help reduce market risk, it does not eliminate it. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. INVESTING INVOLVES RISK, INCLUDING THE POSSIBE LOSS OF PRINCIPAL.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Invest wisely! There are so many options when it comes to investing, but the key component is education. Always know and understand the investments you are making! If you’re not sure about a company, portfolio or stock, ask your financial professional and they should happily educate you. The most rewarding part of my job is the education aspect! I love helping people of all ages understand how and when to invest, seeing their excitement as they realize the impact their investment tools can have on their financial future. If you’d like to schedule a one-on-one to review your investments or have any questions, feel free to reach out! See for important disclosures.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Invest wisely! There are so many options when it comes to investing, but the key component is education. Always know and understand the investments you are making! If you’re not sure about a company, portfolio or stock, ask your financial professional and they should happily educate you. The most rewarding part of my job is the education aspect! I love helping people of all ages understand how and when to invest, seeing their excitement as they realize the impact their investment tools can have on their financial future. If you’d like to schedule a one-on-one to review your investments or have any questions, feel free to reach out! See for important disclosures.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Be sure to have MEANINGFUL insurance in place for yourself. If something were to happen to you, do you have a plan in place that will support your family in the event that you may not be here to do so? So many wait for “mid” or “late life” to determine this, when the sad truth is that some of us don’t have that opportunity. I’m happy to sit down with you to make sure your family will be taken care of, and I will work with any budget to help you achieve your goals. The ones you love will thank you for having a plan in place, and you will be amazed at the sense of reassurance it will bring you! 🥰🙏🏼 If requested, a licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you. See for important disclosures

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Be sure to have MEANINGFUL insurance in place for yourself. If something were to happen to you, do you have a plan in place that will support your family in the event that you may not be here to do so? So many wait for “mid” or “late life” to determine this, when the sad truth is that some of us don’t have that opportunity. I’m happy to sit down with you to make sure your family will be taken care of, and I will work with any budget to help you achieve your goals. The ones you love will thank you for having a plan in place, and you will be amazed at the sense of reassurance it will bring you! 🥰🙏🏼 If requested, a licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you. See for important disclosures

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Learn how to budget!! This is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome when you are working on your own personal journey to financial fitness. It seems simple, but can be overwhelming. Guess what?? I’m here to help! Our firm has a FREE service called Money Canvas, that will set up 3 one hour zooms (virtual meetings) with a certified professional that will work one on one with you to develop a budget, uncover unnecessary spending and put you on the path to success! Give it a try today by messaging me to set up your own personalized meetings! 🥰 See for important disclosures.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: Learn how to budget!! This is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome when you are working on your own personal journey to financial fitness. It seems simple, but can be overwhelming. Guess what?? I’m here to help! Our firm has a FREE service called Money Canvas, that will set up 3 one hour zooms (virtual meetings) with a certified professional that will work one on one with you to develop a budget, uncover unnecessary spending and put you on the path to success! Give it a try today by messaging me to set up your own personalized meetings! 🥰 See for important disclosures.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: This is a simple one but so many do not take advantage of it. If you have not yet, open a Roth IRA and invest! A Roth grows tax-free and is a huge asset to your portfolio. Reminder that spouses who stay home are also eligible to open their own Roth, as long as they meet the income requirements. Touch base with me to open one for yourself, or for a child who is earning income. I can also assist with rolling over an existing 401k! See for important disclosures. There may be benefits to leaving your account in your employer plan, if allowed. You will continue to benefit from a tax deferral, there may be investment options unique to your plan, fees and expenses may be lower, plan assets have unlimited protection from creditors under Federal law, there is a possibility for loans, and distributions are penalty free if you terminate service at age 55+. Consult your tax professional prior to requesting a rollover from your employer plan.

Financial Fitness Friday!! Today’s tip: This is a simple one but so many do not take advantage of it. If you have not yet, open a Roth IRA and invest! A Roth grows tax-free and is a huge asset to your portfolio. Reminder that spouses who stay home are also eligible to open their own Roth, as long as they meet the income requirements. Touch base with me to open one for yourself, or for a child who is earning income. I can also assist with rolling over an existing 401k! See for important disclosures. There may be benefits to leaving your account in your employer plan, if allowed. You will continue to benefit from a tax deferral, there may be investment options unique to your plan, fees and expenses may be lower, plan assets have unlimited protection from creditors under Federal law, there is a possibility for loans, and distributions are penalty free if you terminate service at age 55+. Consult your tax professional prior to requesting a rollover from your employer plan.