About Paul Rittierodt

I am proud to be a Thrivent Financial Advisor. Sometimes it is only through the most difficult seasons that we are given the opportunity to identify our calling. After my wife passed, I can clearly remember sitting across from my financial advisor in an effort keep a promise I made to my wife - to maintain the plan we had for our kids’ future and our goals as a family. Plans are fluid and necessitate change.

I realized that I wanted to be the person in my community who helps people accomplish their goals and keep their promises. In our work together, we address that unknown in your future to begin to lift the burden of uncertainty that you may be living with now.

Outside of working with my clients, I love walking through life with my kids as they grow and mature into adults. I have enjoyed refereeing soccer for over 30 years and love being able to mentor and train up new referees to do good on and off the field. Once my kids have all launched, I am sure I will take up new hobbies and would love your input and suggestions on that!