About Pathways Team

Pathways Team is united by common values and a shared commitment to our clients. Our team members possess various areas of experience with the goal of providing an exceptional client experience focused on a sound financial strategy built around your values, goals, and dreams. Good advice and proper planning can make all the difference when helping people reach their financial goals. It is also true that different people have different goals and require varying levels of guidance. We want to help people to feel less stress and more confidence when they approach money matters. We want our clients to have the support they need to shape their family’s future while extending generosity to their communities and those in need. We feel like what we have to offer is truly a gift to be shared. At the end of the day we want to help you be prepared for the certainty of uncertainty.

Oakdale Office

Lynnette Mahlke

Lynnette Mahlke


Lynnette Mahlke has been serving the greater Twin Cities and Wisconsin area as a financial consultant for over 30 years. As a result, she has a tremendous amount of experience working with individuals of all sorts of different life stages, experiences, and situations. She also has experience seeing people from the start of their plan to its fruition. In and amongst all of this, Lynnette’s specialty is those who are within 5 years of retirement, are retired, or are beginning to think about legacy planning. She enjoys the details of helping people to maximize the efficiency with which they not only invest their assets, but also the efficiency with which they draw from them in retirement and as they begin to look at passing it on to the generations to come. In the time that she doesn’t spend at work, Lynnette enjoys being involved at her home church, Woodbury Lutheran. She and her husband John, also have two children, their youngest Jennifer and their oldest Joseph.


Wealth Advisor

State(s) Licensed
AZ , CA Insurance Lic. #4327765 , FL , IA , LA , MN , SD , TX , WI


    Roger Williams

    Roger Williams



    Financial Advisor

    State(s) Licensed
    MN , WI
      Joseph Mahlke

      Joseph Mahlke

      The world of financial services is one that Joseph quite literally grew up in. His mother, Lynnette Mahlke, has served as an advisor for over 30 years, and Joseph has joined her in various roles. He loves having the ability to daily connect with people, hear their stories, and guide them through the planning process. He often says that as people form a list of things that keep them up at night, he makes it his job to make sure that his clients don’t include their finances on that list. Joseph specializes in guiding young professionals and young families through the process of forming both short-term and long-term goals and developing strategies on how to reach them. He has chosen to devote a large amount of his focus there due to seeing that there is a very unique set of issues facing this generation that is not commonly experienced by those who are closer to retirement. When he’s not in the office, Joseph is more than likely spending time in one of two places: with his wife Sydney, or at their home church of Crossroads where he spends a large amount of time serving at both the Woodbury or Cottage Grove campus. He is there most often serving in a worship role both on weekends and on Wednesday nights for their CR Youth services.



      State(s) Licensed
      CA Insurance Lic. #4327792 , FL , MN , SD , WI
