Our products and services align with your values and priorities.
What are the benefits of becoming a member? Not only do you receive guidance tailored just to you, but you and the other 2.4 million clients served by Thrivent are part of something bigger. Thrivent, ranked 412th on Fortune 500* and has $179 billion assets under management/advisement**, is a company that has been rated as one of the world's most ethical companies since 2012*** and holds an A++ Superior rating (highest of 13 ratings) from A.M. Best****. You have help from a company that dedicates time and money toward community service projects, encourages member involvement with Action Team grants and Thrivent Choice Dollars, and has logged 14 million volunteer hours**. You receive service from Christians with financial expertise who take the time to understand where you are in life, who look at every available path to guide your wise-with-money journey, and who provide guidance as you adapt to life's changes and challenges. Mississippi Valley Associates is ready to help you move forward with confidence.
*Fortune magazine, May 2023. **As of Dec. 31, 2023. ***"World's Most Ethical Companies" and "Ethisphere" names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC. For details, visit Ethisphere.com. ****Ratings are based on Thrivent's financial strength and claims-paying ability but do not apply to investment product performance.
What We Offer

Mutual Funds
Our fund options offer flexibility and choice to help you manage risk, build a diversified portfolio and pursue lifelong goals.

Financial Guidance
We work with you to create a personalized strategy and support you with ongoing guidance to help you reach your goals, no matter where you're starting from.

Charitable Giving Solutions
Thankful for all you've been given? We can help you give back.

Traditional and Roth IRAs
You can use these tax-advantaged accounts to help you save for retirement — and perhaps fund other needs, such as a home purchase or a child's education.

Our options help you balance performance and purpose.

Health Insurance
We can help you assess your options, including those available through your employer and government programs.