I've got valuable information and resources to share. Explore away! And check back often.

To all the moms and mom-like figures in our lives—thank you. Happy Mother’s Day!

To all the moms and mom-like figures in our lives—thank you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you Veterans! Great response to our Socks for Soldier's collection drive. They will be shipped off to Warm Feet for Warriors which serves active duty military and retired vets.

Thank you Veterans! Great response to our Socks for Soldier's collection drive. They will be shipped off to Warm Feet for Warriors which serves active duty military and retired vets.

Sometimes the immediate demands of life can distract us from the things that will matter in the future. Take time this week to explore your life insurance options. #HelpProtectOurFamilies (If requested, a licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you and financial solutions including insurance may be solicited.)

Sometimes the immediate demands of life can distract us from the things that will matter in the future. Take time this week to explore your life insurance options. #HelpProtectOurFamilies (If requested, a licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you and financial solutions including insurance may be solicited.)

The market is fluctuating. If it’s making you anxious, read these five ways you can remain calm and focused on your future.

The market is fluctuating. If it’s making you anxious, read these five ways you can remain calm and focused on your future.

Through a Donor Advised Fund at InFaith Community Foundation, you're able to support the charities closest to your heart. And even in times of uncertainty, you can find yourself well positioned to give to your favorite organizations. Learn more about DAFs by watching this video: InFaith Community Foundation is a public charity that services individuals, organizations and the community through charitable planning, donor advised funds and endowments. InFaith works collaboratively with Thrivent and its financial professionals. For more disclosures, see

Through a Donor Advised Fund at InFaith Community Foundation, you're able to support the charities closest to your heart. And even in times of uncertainty, you can find yourself well positioned to give to your favorite organizations. Learn more about DAFs by watching this video: InFaith Community Foundation is a public charity that services individuals, organizations and the community through charitable planning, donor advised funds and endowments. InFaith works collaboratively with Thrivent and its financial professionals. For more disclosures, see