About Jordan Liebling

I am proud to be a financial professional, impacting the lives of those around me. My earliest memories of money all involve not having enough and never having a plan. My mom and I would have garage sales to get by, and any money that wasn’t used on absolute necessities came from the change in the coffee can. I want to help people avoid panic, the feeling of drowning financially, hopelessness, and being so financially overwhelmed that it prevents someone from getting started with a plan. 

At Thrivent, I can express my values by educating those around me on how to be generous and attain peace of mind with their finances. 

When I am not working, I love spending time with my family – my wife, 4 year old daughter, and 1 year old son. I enjoy playing golf, live music, spending time at the beach, trying new restaurants and breweries, and travelling. I’m also pretty good at juggling and was in a breakdancing crew when I was 15.