About Me

Hello! My name is Isabel Mendoza! I am fully licensed, holistic financial advisor with Thrivent serving the Greater Chattanooga Area and beyond. Finances are inherently personal and sometimes that can make it difficult to take the first step to connect with a financial advisor. I believe client-advisory relationships are the strongest and most meaningful when clients genuinely like their financial advisor and share similar values. So, allow me to get personal!

I come from the breadbasket of America, the beautiful Central Valley of California! I grew up in a very rural and agrarian town where I spent a lot of time driving down country roads and admiring beautiful landscapes composed of rows upon rows of every fruit and vegetable imaginable with snowcapped mountains in the far distance as a backdrop. Growing up in this underrated area of the state has fostered my deep appreciation for the farmers of this nation and adoration of the outdoors.

I am the happiest when I am outside. I enjoy backpacking. My goal is to visit every U.S. national park before I turn 40! Great Basin National Park is my favorite thus far – a park that contains alpine lakes, lush tree lines, caves, and offers a prime view of the Milky Way galaxy while being surrounded by rugged desert towns with alien abduction theme attractions?! Completely unmatched.

One day, I hope to own a good chunk of land so that I can have a dog rescue. Dogs are near and dear to my heart and I want to save them all! Yes, I tear up every time I see an ASPCA commercial.

I believe everyone should give back to their community on a regular basis if they are able to. We are products of our communities and our communities benefit greatly when we support one another. I prefer to volunteer at non-profits that address food insecurity or provide support to at-risk youth.

Math brings me joy. To me, math is not just numbers and formulas. Math is a key to understanding the world around us. I revel in how patterns and equations could untangle everyday problems, from budgeting to predicting trends. Math is ultimately a wonderful tool that allows me assist clients in meeting their financial goals – and I would love to do the same for you!