I've got valuable information and resources to share. Explore away! And check back often.

Some recent research has suggested that in certain markets in the US housing values have decliend between 6-12% in the last 3 months. If you pulled up Zillow right now and saw your home value was down 8% would you sell your house and move to cash as fast as possible? #Homes #Realestate #Sales
Some recent research has suggested that in certain markets in the US housing values have decliend between 6-12% in the last 3 months. If you pulled up Zillow right now and saw your home value was down 8% would you sell your house and move to cash as fast as possible? #Homes #Realestate #Sales

Attention Iowa Private School and Home School Families! This is a 529 update!! Did you know that in some states private school and home school tuition expenses are eligible to be withdrawn from a 529 account? As an example, in the state of Iowa, a tax deduction is available for Iowa residents. Currently, the deduction is a maximum $3,522 per beneficiary per donor per year. We often think of the 529 as just a college savings plan. However, there are other potential qualified uses. Currently, funds can be withdrawn for any of the qualified educational expenses listed below. • College education expenses (including books and other expenses) • Tuition for private education in the state of Iowa • Tuition for co-op or homeschool assistance programs The funds in a 529 plan are earmarked to cover future educational expenses. The use of a 529 plan toward non-college expenses could be a tax efficient strategy for you, depending upon your family’s situation. Hypothetically, a two-parent family with 3 children could deduct up to $21,132 from their income for state tax purposes. Should you have more questions on how this provision within a 529 plan may apply to you and your family, I'd love to chat with you! Please call 319-232-2171. As a bonus, remember to ask how a non-qualified account (after tax dollars) can be used and leveraged alongside a 529 plan. #Planning #Education #IowaTaxes Offered through a brokerage arrangement with Thrivent Investment Management Inc. 529 college savings plans are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC and may lose value. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses associated before investing. Read the issuers official statement carefully for additional information before investing. Investigate possible state tax benefits that may be available based on the state sponsor of the plan, the residency of the account owner, and the account beneficiary. Consult with a tax professional to analyze all tax implications prior to investing. Thrivent and its financial advisors and professionals do not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your attorney or tax professional. The hypothetical example provided is for illustrative purposes and may not be representative of actual results. Tax laws are subject to change. See for additional information See for sources

Attention Iowa Private School and Home School Families! This is a 529 update!! Did you know that in some states private school and home school tuition expenses are eligible to be withdrawn from a 529 account? As an example, in the state of Iowa, a tax deduction is available for Iowa residents. Currently, the deduction is a maximum $3,522 per beneficiary per donor per year. We often think of the 529 as just a college savings plan. However, there are other potential qualified uses. Currently, funds can be withdrawn for any of the qualified educational expenses listed below. • College education expenses (including books and other expenses) • Tuition for private education in the state of Iowa • Tuition for co-op or homeschool assistance programs The funds in a 529 plan are earmarked to cover future educational expenses. The use of a 529 plan toward non-college expenses could be a tax efficient strategy for you, depending upon your family’s situation. Hypothetically, a two-parent family with 3 children could deduct up to $21,132 from their income for state tax purposes. Should you have more questions on how this provision within a 529 plan may apply to you and your family, I'd love to chat with you! Please call 319-232-2171. As a bonus, remember to ask how a non-qualified account (after tax dollars) can be used and leveraged alongside a 529 plan. #Planning #Education #IowaTaxes Offered through a brokerage arrangement with Thrivent Investment Management Inc. 529 college savings plans are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC and may lose value. Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses associated before investing. Read the issuers official statement carefully for additional information before investing. Investigate possible state tax benefits that may be available based on the state sponsor of the plan, the residency of the account owner, and the account beneficiary. Consult with a tax professional to analyze all tax implications prior to investing. Thrivent and its financial advisors and professionals do not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your attorney or tax professional. The hypothetical example provided is for illustrative purposes and may not be representative of actual results. Tax laws are subject to change. See for additional information See for sources

Here's a list of the top 10 resources I would recommend for trying to predict what the S&P will do in 6 months. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What am I missing? #Longtermthinking #Staythecourse #Speculation
Here's a list of the top 10 resources I would recommend for trying to predict what the S&P will do in 6 months. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What am I missing? #Longtermthinking #Staythecourse #Speculation

How fast can you become a millionaire? Well assuming an annualized 8% rate of return it would all just come down to your savings rate. How fast can you build up the habit of saving $10/day? Check out the graphic below to see how attainable 1 million really is! There's nothing like automation to help us put these savings rates into practice. #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Savings #SavingsRate

How fast can you become a millionaire? Well assuming an annualized 8% rate of return it would all just come down to your savings rate. How fast can you build up the habit of saving $10/day? Check out the graphic below to see how attainable 1 million really is! There's nothing like automation to help us put these savings rates into practice. #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Savings #SavingsRate

Waiting to have a financial plan until you are on track with your financial planning. Is like waiting to start training for a marathon until you pass the 12 miles marker. Disciplined habits get us on track. Waiting to get started keeps us in a state of hoping and guessing. #Planning #FinancialPlanning #Advising #Money #Gettingstarted
Waiting to have a financial plan until you are on track with your financial planning. Is like waiting to start training for a marathon until you pass the 12 miles marker. Disciplined habits get us on track. Waiting to get started keeps us in a state of hoping and guessing. #Planning #FinancialPlanning #Advising #Money #Gettingstarted

First things first. Or as I like to say to clients let's take care of the big rocks first. Often times budgeting is a word that causes instant anxiety and frustration. What happens? We start loosing ourselves in the pebbles...can I afford that twice baked potato, what about that coffee before my meeting? It's nearly the end of the month have I spent too much on entertainment? I honestly do not care what clients spend their "spending" money on...because we set it aside to spend why would I care if it gets spent? I prefer to spend most of the budgeting conversation focusing on big rocks! Are we on track for our goals? Are we doing the things we know we have to do FIRST!? Once we feel good about where our big rocks are at, we can feel great spending whatever is left over. What is the secret sauce to making sure we don't forget to take care of our big rocks? -Automation -Automation -Automation What "Big Rock" conversation have you been putting off? #Finances #Budgetingsucks #Strategy #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Money

First things first. Or as I like to say to clients let's take care of the big rocks first. Often times budgeting is a word that causes instant anxiety and frustration. What happens? We start loosing ourselves in the pebbles...can I afford that twice baked potato, what about that coffee before my meeting? It's nearly the end of the month have I spent too much on entertainment? I honestly do not care what clients spend their "spending" money on...because we set it aside to spend why would I care if it gets spent? I prefer to spend most of the budgeting conversation focusing on big rocks! Are we on track for our goals? Are we doing the things we know we have to do FIRST!? Once we feel good about where our big rocks are at, we can feel great spending whatever is left over. What is the secret sauce to making sure we don't forget to take care of our big rocks? -Automation -Automation -Automation What "Big Rock" conversation have you been putting off? #Finances #Budgetingsucks #Strategy #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Money

Are you a busy executive in sales, management or a business owner? Are you entering open enrollment season again? Here's what you should be thinking about when it comes to the most tax efficient account I know of. Do I have a high deductible health insurance plan? What is the maximum amount I can save into this account? Do I leave the fund balance in cash or do I invest some of the account? The answers of these questions depend on your financial plan and your specific situation! If you want to spend a few hours researching this account and try to set contributions based on your research...go for it! Or if you'd like a quick 15 minute phone call I can do my best to answer these questions. #FinancailPlanning #HSA #Sales #Businessowner #OpenEnrollment

Are you a busy executive in sales, management or a business owner? Are you entering open enrollment season again? Here's what you should be thinking about when it comes to the most tax efficient account I know of. Do I have a high deductible health insurance plan? What is the maximum amount I can save into this account? Do I leave the fund balance in cash or do I invest some of the account? The answers of these questions depend on your financial plan and your specific situation! If you want to spend a few hours researching this account and try to set contributions based on your research...go for it! Or if you'd like a quick 15 minute phone call I can do my best to answer these questions. #FinancailPlanning #HSA #Sales #Businessowner #OpenEnrollment

We get's expected...the financial plan you map out today will change Your life and plan will change as you make decisions and opportunities present themselves. You could: -Get a raise -Inherit assets -Grow your business faster than expected You could also: -Get laid off -Have a medical emergency -Be forced to move unexpectedly So will the plan projections you look at today be a perfect forecast of your future? Absolutely not. Are they a great start? YES! And most importantly projections help us make decisions. When things change you are going to want to have someone who can help modify your plan to help you chose your next desired path. There are many ways to get to your desired finish, do you have the team around you to help you chose the path that makes the most sense for you? #Money #Decisions #FinancialPlanning

We get's expected...the financial plan you map out today will change Your life and plan will change as you make decisions and opportunities present themselves. You could: -Get a raise -Inherit assets -Grow your business faster than expected You could also: -Get laid off -Have a medical emergency -Be forced to move unexpectedly So will the plan projections you look at today be a perfect forecast of your future? Absolutely not. Are they a great start? YES! And most importantly projections help us make decisions. When things change you are going to want to have someone who can help modify your plan to help you chose your next desired path. There are many ways to get to your desired finish, do you have the team around you to help you chose the path that makes the most sense for you? #Money #Decisions #FinancialPlanning

Not being intentional with your finances is a plan. I would argue that it's just not a very good plan. Your plan doesn't have to look like your parents plan, neighbors plan or friends plan. You can arrange the blocks in an order that resonates with you. Experts may say your plan isn't "perfect", who cares? Having an intentional plan that works for you is better than the chaos of flying by the seat of your pants. Which kind of plan do you want to have? #Finacnes #Money #FinancailPlanning

Not being intentional with your finances is a plan. I would argue that it's just not a very good plan. Your plan doesn't have to look like your parents plan, neighbors plan or friends plan. You can arrange the blocks in an order that resonates with you. Experts may say your plan isn't "perfect", who cares? Having an intentional plan that works for you is better than the chaos of flying by the seat of your pants. Which kind of plan do you want to have? #Finacnes #Money #FinancailPlanning

Will it be a whirlwind of analysis, planning and executing when you finally decided to become intentional about financial planning? Probably! But there is a calm after the storm. I snapped this picture after a recent trip to the hardware store to get some sheetrock supplies. It rained so hard that it sounded like we were inside a drum! But it stopped as soon as I checked out and the calm sky was incredible to see. There is simplicity on the other side of complexity and it's wonderful to breath once the dust has settled. Don't wait until "things calm down" be intentional today. #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Finance #Money

Will it be a whirlwind of analysis, planning and executing when you finally decided to become intentional about financial planning? Probably! But there is a calm after the storm. I snapped this picture after a recent trip to the hardware store to get some sheetrock supplies. It rained so hard that it sounded like we were inside a drum! But it stopped as soon as I checked out and the calm sky was incredible to see. There is simplicity on the other side of complexity and it's wonderful to breath once the dust has settled. Don't wait until "things calm down" be intentional today. #YourFutureSelfWillThankYou #Finance #Money