My story

My name is Doug Vernon and I have lived in the St Louis area since 2007. My wife Patti and were married in 1981 and have three children and 5 grandchildren. We love to spend time with our family and are thankful they live in the St Louis area as well. Patti and I enjoy hiking throughout Missouri and Illinois. We love to visit local wineries, work in our yard, and sit by our waterfall in our back yard. Did I say I love my family? We are a little crazy, but we love hanging out together!

My first career was working as a Pastor and for 40 years I guided people along the spiritual journey. Now I get to provide experience and guidance on their financial journey. Sitting with people and listening to their stories, encouraging them, and exploring how we can add peace of mind to their tomorrow is so important to me.

Please reach out and let’s have a conversation about how I can be an encouragement to you and your family!

About Doug Vernon

I'm proud to be a Thrivent financial professional. I am a wholistic financial advisor who provide wise guidance with the potential to lead one to financial freedom. I am a competent and educated financial advisor guided by biblical principles of stewardship, self-discipline, and generosity.  

Opportunities to make a difference!

Dresser Build for Home Sweet Home

We led an action team to build dressers for a great St Louis non-profit, Home Sweet Home.

Feed my Starving Children Foodpack

Here are just one of the opportunities we provide to serve and make a difference with the blessings God has provided. Feed our Starving Children food pack at Gateway Christian Church. This was in November 2023.

Navigator Financial Group

Navigator Financial Group


Team Practice
