About Deb Bogaert

I'm proud to be a Thrivent financial professional. I provide personalized financial guidance to people at all stages of life. At Thrivent, we view money not as a goal, but as a tool — one that can afford you a life rich in meaning and gratitude. We believe humanity thrives when individuals make the most of all they've been given. I'm here to help you do just that.
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Compass Group

I joined Thrivent in 2023 and have been an advisor since 2015. I work with a wide variety of clients and particularly enjoy working with retirees, pre-retirees, women of all ages, non-profit professionals, people in the midst of personal and/or professional transitions, and LGBTQ individuals and couples.

My goal for my clients is ultimately a simple one: to help you live your best financial life. I do that by working with you to get clarity on what your goals are, align those goals with your values, see your opportunities, and make great financial decisions. Lots of financial professionals can talk about the all the options and products out there; fewer have a process like our team’s for getting to know our clients so that we can put forth the best comprehensive, custom solutions created just for you.

What makes this career fun is that I am constantly learning new things. Before spending my time learning about all things personal finance, I acquired a B.A. in religious studies from DePaul University, an M.S. in journalism from Northwestern University, and an M.A. in theology from Catholic Theological Union, which has made me particularly well versed in things like Catholic devotional practices in 19th-century France, should you be curious.

In our spare time, my wife and I do a lot of bicycling when the weather cooperates and enjoy going to the theatre and concerts. We also enjoy cooking together, as well as watching cooking shows with our cat, and visiting breweries (want to know where to find the best hefeweizen or porter in the city? I got you). Our own financial plan includes a hearty travel budget that we gleefully spend from regularly. 


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