About Danny Rand

My passion for finance started when I was a child. My first memory of money was of my mom taking mason jars and dividing the money I received for my birthday and Christmas into different categories—savings, expenses, and fun. I was only about seven years old at the time. I didn’t have any expenses and didn’t know what I was saving for, but something about that moment with my mom and the mason jars just clicked.

She showed me a different way to view money. Instead of putting all my money into one big jar and spending it randomly until it was gone, she showed me the importance of being intentional. She showed me how to use my money to make sure I had enough for the things I needed, and could still afford what I wanted.

I view money as a tool, not a goal. I’m committed to helping the individuals and businesses I work with learn how to use their money as a tool that will help them achieve their goals.

I believe that when people have what they need financially, their lives are better, and they can focus on what matters most. I take time upfront to fully understand my clients so I know what is truly important to them, and what their unique goals are. Then I use a variety of tools and resources to help them build a financial strategy that can get them where they want to be.

When I’m not helping people achieve their goals, I’m usually spending time with my wife, Maddie, our daughter, Claire, and our two cats, Nova and Guppy. One of our favorite things to do together is have a family movie night and cuddle.

Call or email me anytime at 630-487-0124 or daniel.rand@thrivent.com. I’d love to learn what is truly important to you and find out how I can help get you where you want to be.