I've got valuable information and resources to share. Explore away! And check back often.

Three of my favorite colleagues, John Sandlin, Scott Poor, and John Cecchino on the Main Stage at BDC! So proud of all three of these guys!

Three of my favorite colleagues, John Sandlin, Scott Poor, and John Cecchino on the Main Stage at BDC! So proud of all three of these guys!

Amy & Jenny have done a great job decorating our office. Die Hard advent calendar has now been removed from both my home and the common area of our office 😒 I do not understand how Hans Gruber falling to his demise from Nakatomi Towers does not get one in the Christmas spirt, but apparently it's "dumb" and "not a Christmas movie." What's a guy to do?? 🤷🤷

Amy & Jenny have done a great job decorating our office. Die Hard advent calendar has now been removed from both my home and the common area of our office 😒 I do not understand how Hans Gruber falling to his demise from Nakatomi Towers does not get one in the Christmas spirt, but apparently it's "dumb" and "not a Christmas movie." What's a guy to do?? 🤷🤷

It's been a very serendipitous 24 hours! I left work early yesterday to get some things done before my boys' Cub Scout meeting, and I knew I'd have to finish a few things up afterward. Fast forward to this morning and I left my keys in my wife's car, which she drove to work 40 minutes away 🙃 Luckily, all of my meetings today are virtual AND I happened to bring my computer home so now it's an unexpected work from home day! TGFT! (Thank God For Technology!)

It's been a very serendipitous 24 hours! I left work early yesterday to get some things done before my boys' Cub Scout meeting, and I knew I'd have to finish a few things up afterward. Fast forward to this morning and I left my keys in my wife's car, which she drove to work 40 minutes away 🙃 Luckily, all of my meetings today are virtual AND I happened to bring my computer home so now it's an unexpected work from home day! TGFT! (Thank God For Technology!)

Old eraser vs. New erasers...sometimes you just need a change.

Old eraser vs. New erasers...sometimes you just need a change.

Another great workshop last night presenting "The 5 Phases of an IRA" at Hereford & Hops with Patrick Kerwin!

Another great workshop last night presenting "The 5 Phases of an IRA" at Hereford & Hops with Patrick Kerwin!

This poor kid has been laid low again today - its been a bit of a rough start to the school year. I LOVE the fact that I can work from home today and enable my wife to keep livin' her life - as much as that exists for parents of young twins.

This poor kid has been laid low again today - its been a bit of a rough start to the school year. I LOVE the fact that I can work from home today and enable my wife to keep livin' her life - as much as that exists for parents of young twins.

Thank you to Jonathan Leonard and Central Wisconsin Christian School for hosting me as their presenter for College Planning Strategies workshop last night!

Thank you to Jonathan Leonard and Central Wisconsin Christian School for hosting me as their presenter for College Planning Strategies workshop last night!

Yesterday's vibes weren't rootin' tootin'; looking for better things today!

Yesterday's vibes weren't rootin' tootin'; looking for better things today!

Last night our Cub Scout pack got to learn about Veterans Day and participate in a flag retirement ceremony with members of the local American Legion. This was a really cool way for the boys to connect with a group of veterans and learn about what happens with old flags - something most of us don't think about.

Last night our Cub Scout pack got to learn about Veterans Day and participate in a flag retirement ceremony with members of the local American Legion. This was a really cool way for the boys to connect with a group of veterans and learn about what happens with old flags - something most of us don't think about.

This old girl and I have been partners since 2017. She's had her RAM maxed and an SSD installed in an effort to keep her running effectively, but today she was replaced with a much more efficient (don't let her hear that) HP Probook. My Pavillion will be retired to a seasonal job running Zwift and occasional duty for light personal bookkeeping tasks. Here's to new partners and enjoying an easier life! 🍾🍾🍾

This old girl and I have been partners since 2017. She's had her RAM maxed and an SSD installed in an effort to keep her running effectively, but today she was replaced with a much more efficient (don't let her hear that) HP Probook. My Pavillion will be retired to a seasonal job running Zwift and occasional duty for light personal bookkeeping tasks. Here's to new partners and enjoying an easier life! 🍾🍾🍾