Generosity. Is it a lifestyle? Does it come naturally or is it something that has to be learned?
Abundance. Does it allow us to live and give generously?
Money. It is a tool that lets us live and give generously.
My mission is to help people use money as the tool it is to have abundance in their finances so that they can live and give generously. Let’s answer those questions for you and create your specialized plan.
I’m looking for people who want to live and give generously in their lives. It does’t matter where you are now; we can work together to get you there.
RETIREMENT Time to stop guessing.
For previous generations people knew exactly how much they were going to make in retirement. They knew the exact amount they would have because they had a pension plan. Well pension plans are almost completely gone today. I hope this isn’t a shock; please don’t make me the bearer of bad news, but Social Security is NOT going to cover your retirement. You are responsible for your own success or failure of your retirement future. Are you ready for that?
The question is how much do you need in your retirement to retire comfortable? From there, how much do you need to save and invest to get you there? What investment vehicles are the right fit for you? How do you create and implement that plan? And wait… what about the kids? How are you going to pay for college? What type of legacy will you leave to them or the missions you want to support?
These are just a few reasons why I love partnering with people to help you and gain peace in these areas! We work together, answer those questions, and create that plan.
After that:
You know exactly how much you need to retire generously.
You know exactly how much you need to save and invest today and every day moving forward.
You have a plan. From that plan, you know your retirement is going to be bright.
Start today. Don't wait until tomorrow. But Start today. It starts with a phone call.
Carter is a SmartVester Pro
I am a Ramsey SmartVestor Pro and am honored to be part of their network of financial professionals in my local area. The SmartVestor program connects consumers with financial professionals in their area. To join the SmartVestor program, financial professionals must meet the SmartVestor program requirements, and pay an enrollment fee that depends on the area served, plus a fixed monthly fee.
SmartVestor™ is an advertising and referral service for investment professionals (“Pros”) operated by The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions® ("RS"). Thrivent financial advisor, Carter Robinson (“Advisor”) has entered into an agreement with RS under which Advisor pays RS a one-time training fee of $3,000, a flat monthly membership fee of $400, and a flat monthly territory fee of $1,600 to advertise Advisor’s services through SmartVestor and to receive client referrals from interested consumers who are located in Advisor’s geographic region.
Because of the arrangement described above, RS has an incentive to recommend Pros that are a part of the SmartVestor program. This incentive creates a material conflict of interest for RS, which you should be aware of and carefully consider in connection with your discussions with RS and Advisor.
The fees paid by Advisor to RS are paid irrespective of whether you become a client of Advisor and are not passed along to you. However, you should understand that all Pros that are available through SmartVestor pay RS fees to participate in the program. Further, the amount of compensation each Pro pays to RS will vary based on certain factors, including whether the Pros choose to advertise in local or national markets. RS has a financial incentive to present certain Pros that offer their services on a national basis ("National Pros") more often than other National Pros that pay lower fees.
It is up to you to interview Advisor and decide whether you want to hire them. RS introduces you to Pros that cover your geographic area based on your zip code. Neither RS nor its affiliates provide investment advice or recommendations as to the selection or retention of any Pro, nor does RS evaluate whether any particular Pro is appropriate for you based on your investment objectives, financial situation, investment needs, or other individual circumstances. RS does not warrant any services of Advisor or any SmartVestor Pro and makes no claim or promise of any result or success by retaining Advisor. Your use of SmartVestor, including the decision to retain the services of Advisor, is at your sole discretion and risk. Advisor has completed Ramsey Pro Training and signed an RS Code of Conduct under which they have agreed to certain general investment principles, such as eliminating debt and investing for the longer-term, but RS does not monitor or control the investment advisory services provided.
Neither Ramsey Solutions nor the SmartVestor program are affiliated with or endorsed by Thrivent. Views are theirs and not necessarily those of Thrivent or its affiliates.
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- 843-957-3885