Growing up in Northeastern Montana, there was always an adventure at hand. My dad was an entrepreneur and started an auto body shop from the ground up that my parents ran for forty years. My mom was a teller at the bank before taking over the management of the shop. That spirit in always helping others was embedded in me from a young age. My favorite activity was to play town with my sister where we and our friends each set up our own businesses. This background propelled me today where I find joy every day in working together with individuals to uncover their financial why.

About Brandy Simpson
Family is paramount for myself and those that I work with. My husband, Nate, both grounds me and inspires me. He is the most entertaining high school business teacher, while also coaching golf and assisting in basketball. Our three girls make our world go round, and we absolutely love chasing them while they find their passions. Kylie is an active 15-year-old that loves to be playing whichever sport is in season but her passion is in the court playing basketball, she is also very artistic and loves to bake for us. Logyn is our very social 12-year-old always inviting friends (new and old) to our house, who is very competitive and loves to play basketball. Macey is our youngest, who is 10. You can usually find her climbing a tree or reading a graphic novel or chapter book.
My why is easy. I love and am inspired to engage in meaningful work with others which allows me to be present with my family while engaging in an integral part of the Bottineau community where we live.
When you know your why, the how is easy. Just as when I engage working with a client to uncover their financial why, we work through a dedicated Foundation of Financial Freedom process, I knew it was paramount to approach my business in a structured and meaningful process. When I started with Thrivent, I realized early I was called to help people find confidence through financial stability and retirement.
To be the best for those I work with, I pride myself in constantly learning. My passion and expertise have expanded through a continued learning journey by adding the Certified Long Term Care and Retirement Income Certified Professional designations. These have given me a solid foundation and understanding to be able to guide those with whom I work to financial clarity and purpose to the life events they plan for and those they pray will never happen. I will always continue to learn and grow with my clients needs.
For fun, I am involved in my church Grace Lutheran in Bottineau by being an AWANA volunteer. I am also Vice President of the St. Andrew’s Health Center Foundation and the Vice President of Bottineau Athletic Boosters.
When you are ready to have a guide, I can’t wait to work together to uncover YOUR financial why!
Meet My Team

Becky Hill
I grew up on a small dairy farm in West Central Minnesota with my 4 siblings. There was never a dull moment. Life was always busy but adventurous on the farm. At the time I wasn’t always fond of the limitations living on a dairy farm meant and the hard work that was involved to run both home and business. The enjoyment of playing and being with my siblings was the best part. We knew at a young age what responsibility meant, along with working hard to be the best we could be in the good and bad times. Money was hard to come by, but I watched my parents work hard to never let us go without. Doing a job well is important to me and it is what I learned from an early age.
Being a mom is my greatest joy even when it is hard, the journey can be trying but the reward is so rich in blessings. I have been married to my husband Rob for 21 years and we have 3 amazing children. Karley will soon be 17 and loves all things music. She enjoys being a part of band, choir, and a Vocal group where she is able to share her talent. Karley also enjoys playing volleyball and being part of a team. Kenadie is our 14 year old who loves playing sports, being part of a team, and is also sharing her musical talent in school and church while both girls sing on our church Worship Team. Quentin is our big hearted almost 12 year old. His smile is infectious, he is very rarely not smiling. He loves all things sports not only playing them but his knowledge of players, statistics and such blows my mind. He has also discovered he loves to sing too. I love watching them find their passions and personalities.
I love working for Thrivent! Thrivent is not only a company that helps their clients be wise in all stages of life but a company that believes in generosity as a part of the who they are. Most of all I love working with and for Brandy. I am inspired by her. She has a heart for all those she works with and a passion to be all she can be in her personal and professional life. She is constantly willing to learn to be the best she can be in all aspects of her life personal and professional. I love being a part of building a family in this business.
My joy comes from bringing happiness to others and I have a job where I get to do that each day. Maybe it’s a quick hug, baking cookies, or just smile can be just what was needed. I love people and being social. I want to love people well.
For fun I enjoy singing on our Praise and Worship team, following my kids around and occasionally getting the chance to read a good mystery book as time allows.
Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
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Office Manager