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Join us as we present: “Closing the Racial Wealth Gap” with Eugene Mitchell February 22nd, 11:30 am & 6:30 pm CT Overview: Eugene Mitchell, CEO and author of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap—7 Untold Rules for Black Prosperity and Legacy!, will address: -Helping communities with closing the wealth gap for their family and organizations and helping advisors generate success while making a meaningful difference in diverse communities -Wealth building and legacy creation To RSVP or ask questions please call Anthony Young: (901) 282-8610 or email: No products will be sold. For additional disclosures, see

Join us as we present: “Closing the Racial Wealth Gap” with Eugene Mitchell February 22nd, 11:30 am & 6:30 pm CT Overview: Eugene Mitchell, CEO and author of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap—7 Untold Rules for Black Prosperity and Legacy!, will address: -Helping communities with closing the wealth gap for their family and organizations and helping advisors generate success while making a meaningful difference in diverse communities -Wealth building and legacy creation To RSVP or ask questions please call Anthony Young: (901) 282-8610 or email: No products will be sold. For additional disclosures, see

Join us as we present: “Closing the Racial Wealth Gap” with Eugene Mitchell February 22nd, 11:30 am & 6:30 pm CT Overview: Eugene Mitchell, CEO and author of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap—7 Untold Rules for Black Prosperity and Legacy!, will address: -Helping communities with closing the wealth gap for their family and organizations and helping advisors generate success while making a meaningful difference in diverse communities -Wealth building and legacy creation To RSVP or ask questions please call Anthony Young: (901) 282-8610 or email: No products will be sold. For additional disclosures, see

Join us as we present: “Closing the Racial Wealth Gap” with Eugene Mitchell February 22nd, 11:30 am & 6:30 pm CT Overview: Eugene Mitchell, CEO and author of Closing the Racial Wealth Gap—7 Untold Rules for Black Prosperity and Legacy!, will address: -Helping communities with closing the wealth gap for their family and organizations and helping advisors generate success while making a meaningful difference in diverse communities -Wealth building and legacy creation To RSVP or ask questions please call Anthony Young: (901) 282-8610 or email: No products will be sold. For additional disclosures, see

Will your taxes affect your retirement? Strategies to help you work toward a lower tax bracket in retirement • How to be tax-efficient in your current bracket. • How Social Security is taxed. • Ways to create tax-free retirement income. Event details Tuesday, February 22, 2022 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5:30 PM. The Edney Building 1100 Market St., Unit 500 Chattanooga, TN Reserve your place today Please call 901-282-8610 or email No products or services will be sold at this event. For additional disclosures, see

Will your taxes affect your retirement? Strategies to help you work toward a lower tax bracket in retirement • How to be tax-efficient in your current bracket. • How Social Security is taxed. • Ways to create tax-free retirement income. Event details Tuesday, February 22, 2022 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5:30 PM. The Edney Building 1100 Market St., Unit 500 Chattanooga, TN Reserve your place today Please call 901-282-8610 or email No products or services will be sold at this event. For additional disclosures, see

Although common stock have the opportunity for long term growth and high yield it is not the common stock that has priority in the event of a liquidation. If a company unfortunately goes under, common shareholders only have rights to a company's assets after bondholders, preferred shareholders, and other debtholders are paid in full.

Although common stock have the opportunity for long term growth and high yield it is not the common stock that has priority in the event of a liquidation. If a company unfortunately goes under, common shareholders only have rights to a company's assets after bondholders, preferred shareholders, and other debtholders are paid in full.

Although, Preferred stock provides the opportunity for steady dividends it also has some trade offs. Preferred stockholders usually have no or limited, voting rights in corporate corportate policies. That means unlike common stock which can vote for board members of a company. Preferred stock either cannot or can at diminished capacity.

Although, Preferred stock provides the opportunity for steady dividends it also has some trade offs. Preferred stockholders usually have no or limited, voting rights in corporate corportate policies. That means unlike common stock which can vote for board members of a company. Preferred stock either cannot or can at diminished capacity.

Although, Preferred stock provides the opportunity for steady dividends it also has some trade offs. Preferred stockholders usually have no or limited, voting rights in corporate corportate policies. That means unlike common stock which can vote for board members of a company, Preferred stock either cannot or can at diminished capacity.

Although, Preferred stock provides the opportunity for steady dividends it also has some trade offs. Preferred stockholders usually have no or limited, voting rights in corporate corportate policies. That means unlike common stock which can vote for board members of a company, Preferred stock either cannot or can at diminished capacity.

It's important to start your financial journey as early as you can. The earlier you start the better off may be on your journey to becoming financially free. The first step to set yourself up for the future is to start TODAY.

It's important to start your financial journey as early as you can. The earlier you start the better off may be on your journey to becoming financially free. The first step to set yourself up for the future is to start TODAY.

Often we find ourselves asking others what their, "Secret" to getting ahead is. It is a very common thing to judge what it is we are about to embark on ourselves, and to decide if it is worth it to us or not. However, the biggest secret to getting ahead is taking that first step and getting started to gain that experience. Even if it is not what you thought it would be, you are further ahead of someone that is still asking others for their "Secret".

Often we find ourselves asking others what their, "Secret" to getting ahead is. It is a very common thing to judge what it is we are about to embark on ourselves, and to decide if it is worth it to us or not. However, the biggest secret to getting ahead is taking that first step and getting started to gain that experience. Even if it is not what you thought it would be, you are further ahead of someone that is still asking others for their "Secret".

This week's tip is about the power of your mindset. Your mindset is a very important factor in achieving goals you have for yourself financially, or in any other aspect of your life. A positive mindset is much more willing to find solutions to a circumstance than just accepting it. Keep that mindset positive!

This week's tip is about the power of your mindset. Your mindset is a very important factor in achieving goals you have for yourself financially, or in any other aspect of your life. A positive mindset is much more willing to find solutions to a circumstance than just accepting it. Keep that mindset positive!

Sometimes the little things are looked over so often that they slowly eat away at the success of a goal. The smallest fracture in the hardest sword will cause that sword to eventually break. Take that same approach with a goal you have for yourself. Do not let something small ruin your overall chance of success.

Sometimes the little things are looked over so often that they slowly eat away at the success of a goal. The smallest fracture in the hardest sword will cause that sword to eventually break. Take that same approach with a goal you have for yourself. Do not let something small ruin your overall chance of success.