There is so much joy in just being there, fully present with the ones you love. How can you be more present in this season of life?
I saw this post this morning and it hit me hard. I am in a very busy season of life with two littles under three! This winter has been sickness after sickness and most days it feels like we are running an uphill battle. However, it has also made me cherish the slow moments more than I ever have. The Saturday mornings at home sipping coffee and watching my boys (yes, dad included) giggle together. The (many) days at home with sick kiddos watching too much Ms. Rachel and Paw Patrol. The walks to the park on 50-degree March days. The evenings playing together while the frozen pizza is in the oven, because who has time to work, parent, AND make healthy meals every night?!
So, how can you be more present in YOUR season of life?