About Ann Seitz-Brown

I'm proud to be a Thrivent financial professional. I provide personalized financial guidance to people at all stages of life. At Thrivent, we view money not as a goal, but as a tool — one that can afford you a life rich in meaning and gratitude. We believe humanity thrives when individuals make the most of all they've been given. I'm here to help you do just that.

Living Generously in South Central PA

  • York Habitat for Humanity
  • Friend of Glatfelter Memorial Library
  • Preemptive Love
  • Laundry Love Organizer

Education & Accomplishments

  • Certified College Planning Specialist
  • Retirement Income Certified Professional
  • Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
  • Certified Long Term Care
  • Life and Health Insurance Licenses
  • FINRA Series 7 General Securities Representative
  • FINRA Series 66 Uniform Combined State Law
  • MA in Pastoral Counseling - Moravian Theological Seminary
  • BA Biology and Psychology - Swarthmore College
Legacy Consultants

Legacy Consultants


Team Practice
