Tax Efficiency Planning
What is tax-efficiency planning?
Through our proprietary What-if Tax™ advice tool Schaefer Financial Group can help you understand the potential income tax implications of financial advice, such as repositioning assets, filling tax brackets and making other investment and insurance decisions.
We can identify potential ways to revise your strategy, so it’s structured to help make the most of your tax situation. In addition, we’ll help you answer questions, such as:
- Will a Roth conversion help or hurt me?
- Which method will best help meet my income needs when I retire?
- How should I plan for required minimum distributions from my IRA?
- How will an unexpected revenue stream (inheritance, sale of an asset, etc.) change my income taxes?
- Does it make sense to give an amount to charity over time or as a lump sum?
- Is there a way to pass my assets directly to my beneficiaries without income taxes?
- What will happen to my spouse’s tax rate if I pass away?
With this analysis, we can identify potential ways to revise your strategy so it’s structured to make the most of your tax situation, and we can coordinate with your tax preparer.
How can it benefit you?
No one likes to pay taxes, but they’re a part of life. If we can help you understand your tax burden now or in the future, then you, your spouse or your heirs can work toward making the most of your tax situation.
The suggestions and recommendations included in your analysis are educational in nature. While Thrivent does not provide specific legal or tax advice, we can partner with you and your tax professional and attorney.
For more information, visit thrivent.com.