Our impact
The organizations we've supported are:
Boys & Girls Club - Boys & Girls Clubs provide a safe place for millions of youth each year, giving them an opportunity to discover their great futures.
Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home.
Center for Childhood Safety - This organization is a dedicated to helping families and communities keep kids safe from injuries. For 30 years, the Center for Childhood Safety has been a "vaccine" against accidental childhood injury. CCS's mission is to be the leading source of safety education and programming in Northeast Wisconsin, dedicated to preventing and eliminating childhood injury.
New Beginnings International Adoptions in Tupelo, Mississippi – The mission of New Beginnings is to promote life and new beginnings for children, birth mothers and families through parenting education and adoption.
Mercy Nepal Children's Home Kathmandu Nepal - Mercy Children’s Home is a registered residential child care home in Ratnanagar Nepal, which provides care for children who have no parents or unstable family situations. The Home strives to offer a family-like home environment which supports the children, and encourages them to meet their full potential so that they can one day become leaders in their communities.
Lead the Way Foundation, Manhasset, New York – Lead The Way Foundation is a nonprofit organization established to raise funds in support of disabled U.S. Army Rangers and the families of Rangers.
Mission Antigo - Mission Antigo is an annual event held by Peace Lutheran Ministries, Antigo Community Church, Homestead Church and Springbrook Church. The event is an opportunity for Christians in the Antigo community to serve their neighbors.
Antigo Dugout Club - Antigo Dugout Club is a non-profit organization, committed to children of the Antigo School District.
Langlade County 4-H - 4-H youth development provides the opportunity for youth to experience mastery and develop independence.
*These organizations are not affiliated with or endorsed by Thrivent.