Doubling Your Great Commission Impact
Every leader and congregant in your church has a different opinion of what church should be. In the webinar, "Doubling Your Great Commission Impact," Doug Parks, CEO and Co-founder of Intentional Churches will share proven tools that you can use with your own church leadership teams. These tools will help you and your team get back to the basics by aligning your team to mobilize and activate your church people to personally own the Great Commission.
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What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
Climbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
Climbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
Climbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
Doubling Your Great Commission Impact
Doubling Your Great Commission Impact
RegisterEvery leader and congregant in your church has a different opinion of what church should be. In the webinar, "Doubling Your Great Commission Impact," Doug Parks, CEO and Co-founder of Intentional Churches will share proven tools that you can use with your own church leadership teams. These tools will help you and your team get back to the basics by aligning your team to mobilize and activate your church people to personally own the Great Commission.
No products will be sold.
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
RegisterClimbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
RegisterClimbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
What’s Your Retirement Style? Discover What Works for You with Dr. Wade Pfau
RegisterClimbing a mountain takes different skills than getting back down. It’s the same with retirement. After decades of saving, you may realize that you need a solid strategy to make your money last through the years ahead. Join us for “What’s Your Retirement Style”, an exclusive conversation with Dr. Wade Pfau, to learn how crafting the right plan today can help ensure you're ready for the journey.
No products will be sold. Speaker is not affiliated with Thrivent. Views are their own. Thrivent is the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent. For more information visit 7288981.1
No products will be sold.