Our impact
We are called to love God and love our neighbor. We take this calling to heart and are proud that our members do too.
Here are some of the ways our team supports our community:
Donate confirmation crosses and baptismal medallions to Immanuel Lutheran Church to help families commemorate faith milestones.
Volunteer at or provide monetary support for local congregation and school outreach events including golf outings, trunk-or-treat activities, Easter egg hunts, auctions and more.
We patronize organizations whose missions align with our values, such as:
- Motown Soup - a non-profit benefiting the homeless, hungry and hurting individuals throughout Michigan.
- Fairtrade - an organization committed to changing the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries.
- Rising Hope Bakery - part of Zaman International, which empowers marginalized women to break the cycle of poverty and achieve independence through vocational skills training and sustainable employment.
We contribute to local organizations who support those in need, including:
- Macomb Foster Closet – a local non-profit that helps fulfill the needs of local children in foster care.
- New Day Foundation- a Michigan cancer support organization that provides financial and emotional resources to improve quality of life and treatment outcomes for cancer patients and their families.
While our team strives to make a lasting impact in our community, the impact of our clients is the truly incredible part of our practice. We are blessed to work alongside clients who live out their faith.
In 2023:
449 Members directed Choice Dollars to nonprofits close to their hearts.
290 Action Teams with 3,040 volunteers serving a total of 24,335 hours were led by our clients.
These Actions Teams include:
Providing Christmas gifts to underprivileged families through Gifts for All God’s Children and a variety of other organizations
Crafting blankets and pillows to share God’s love with the sick, isolated, and less fortunate
Providing food to those in need through food pantries, food baskets, and sponsored meals
Supplying school uniforms, supplies, and backpacks
Hosting events for men, women, seniors, veterans, youth, the grieving, and widows and widowers
Creating and supporting community gardens
Supporting foster children with gifts, blankets, graduation needs, clothing, etc.
Organizing fellowship events for churches, small groups, neighbors, and friends
Providing Bibles to the incarcerated
Crafting cards of encouragement
And much more!
The total financial impact of our clients’ participation in generosity programs in 2023 is estimated at $1,111,454! Thank you for living generously!
These organizations are not affiliated with or endorsed by Thrivent.