Our story

Our story

Tony and Isaac started working together in 2015 after meeting in Del Mar. Tony had been with Thrivent for 27 years and Isaac was in his third year. They quickly bonded over movie quotes and shortly found out that their passion for helping people make wise decisions with money were very similar. They both take a “client-first” approach and focus on service and providing value at every opportunity. Tony and Isaac have worked closely since then and have built a strong business partnership and friendship.

Officially coming together as a team within Thrivent and having a new marketing name opens a lot of doors and opportunities. One advantage is combining team resources to hire additional support staff, which helps ensure we follow through on commitments made to our clients as the office continues to rapidly grow.

We are extremely grateful for the referrals and introductions we receive and want to make sure that first and foremost, we meet our current clients’ needs—then continue to help their family members, friends and loved ones.