Our story

Who we are
Being in the flight path of Georgetown Airport means hearing planes overhead throughout the day. It is a fond reminder to Jeffrey Cartledge, whose grandfather was a World War II pilot. It is also a great analogy for life. Much like flying requires a watchful eye and careful planning, Glide Path and their crew of financial professionals work together to create a unique financial plan to help keep you moving in the right direction toward your chosen destination.
What we do
Our team takes a total look at your situation, needs, interests and goals. We provide dedicated planning services to help you plan out a course of action to meet those goals in a way that aligns with your values.
What we believe
We want to take the stress out of wealth management. We believe that every client, family, and organization is unique, and every situation comes with its own set of financial concerns. Our holistic approach provides the direction and path of your next steps, so you can live more generously.