How we work with you

How we work with you


At Genesis Financial Group, we strive to grow strong, lasting relationships with our clients built on personalized, dependable financial advice. We work to make the financial planning process as simple and straight forward as possible by integrating your objectives with a blueprint that can grow and change as your life does. Here’s a closer look at what to expect: 

  1. We begin every meeting by discussing your goals and priorities so we can provide the personalized information and guidance you need.  
  2. Next, we gather relevant financial information so our team of financial professionals can analyze and customize your financial strategy. 
  3. After that, we explain your options and strategic opportunities with full transparency so you can make an educated decision about how to move forward. 
  4. We'll help you implement your choices and make sure you remain well informed throughout the process. 
  5. Then, we’ll check in with you periodically to adapt and adjust your financial plan, if needed, as your life changes.